Chroma 62000P&H軟體提供許多方便及實用功能,以利使用者進行電源變化測試。

- Basic功能:使用者可以透過軟體直接輸入電壓和電流設定值,輸出後軟體也會即使量測待測物此時輸入電壓 、 電流及功率為何,並且可以使用 Report Generator 進行報表記錄。
- LIST功能:有別於Basic功能,該模式下,使用者可以依據測試需求進行電壓變化的編輯,最多能提供100個Level的組合。
Automotive Test Standards功能,62000P&H軟體提供五個車用法規(ISO16750-2、GS95024-2、VW80000、LV123、LV148),使用者可以依據法規內容進行測試,也可以使用User Define的方式進行測試參數微調整的動作。
標準 ISO 16750-2 |
- 啟動電壓波形測試 (Starting Profile)
- 壓降重置測試 (Reset Behavior at Voltage Drop)
- 電壓瞬間中斷測試 (Momentary Drop in Supply Voltage)
- 緩降及緩升電壓測試 (Slow Decrease and Increase of Voltage)
標準 GS 95024-2-1 |
- 暫態過電壓測試 (Transient Over-voltage)
- 暫態低電壓測試 (Transient Under-voltage)
- 輔助啟動測試 (Jump Start)
- 緩降及緩升電壓測試 (Slow Decrease and Increase of Supply Voltage)
- 緩降及驟升電壓測試 (Slow Decrease and Quick Increase of Supply Voltage)
- 壓降重置測試 (Reset Behavior)
- 啟動脈衝測試 (Start Pulses)
- 智慧型發電機控制電壓曲線測試 (Voltage Curve with Intelligent Generator Control)
標準 VW80000 |
- 長時間過電壓 (Long-term Over-voltage)
- 暫態過電壓測試 (Transient Over-voltage)
- 暫態低電壓測試 (Transient Under-voltage
- 輔助啟動測試 (Jump Start)
- 拋負載 (Load Dump)
- 緩降及緩升電壓測試 (Slow Decrease and Increase of Supply Voltage)
- 緩降及驟升電壓測試 (Slow Decrease and Quick Increase of Supply Voltage)
- 壓降重置測試 (Reset Behavior)
- 啟動脈衝測試 (Start Pulses)
- 智慧型發電機控制電壓曲線測試 (Voltage Curve with Intelligent Generator Control)
新能源車標準 LV123 |
- 無受限操作性能區間 (Range of Unlimited Operating Capability)
- 上限操作性能區間 (Range of Upper Limited Operating Capability)
- 下限操作性能區間 (Range of Lower Limited Operating Capability)
- 最高限制操作性能區間 (Range of Highly Limited Operating Capability)
NEW 新能源車標準 LV 148 |
- 長時間過電壓 (Long-term Overvoltage for Not Voltage Limited Components)
- 暫態較低電壓測試 (Transient Pulse in the Lower Operating Range)
- 能量回收測試 (Recuperation)
- 緩降及緩升電壓測試(沒電池) (Slow Reduction and Slow Increase of Supply Voltage (without Battery))
- 緩降及緩升電壓測試(有電池第一部份) (Slow Reduction and Slow Increase of Supply Voltage (with Battery – Part 1))
- 壓降重置測試 (Reset Behavior)
- 功能受限上限測試 (Operation in the Upper Range with Functional Restrictions)
- 功能受限下限測試 (Operation in the Lower Range with Functional Restrictions)
- 過電壓範圍測試 (Overvoltage Range)

▲ ISO 16750-2 Starting Profile |

▲ ISO 16750-2 Reset Behavior at Voltage Drop Test |

▲ GS 95024-2 Transient Overvoltage Test |

▲ GS 95024-2 Transient Undervoltage Test |

▲ VW 80000 Slow Decrease and Quick Increase of Supply Voltage Test |

▲ VW 80000 Jump Start Test |

▲ LV123 Range of Unlimited Operating Capability |

▲ LV123 Range of Upper Limited Operating Capability |

▲ LV148 Overvoltage Range |

▲ LV148 Operation in the Lower Range |