As the technology of optoelectronic components is maturing, its applications are broadening as well. Take laser diodes for example, they are no longer limited to communication applications but have expanded into consumer products. Photonics test solutions mainly focus on testing optoelectronic components, such as photodiode, LED, EEL, and VCSEL. They can also apply to configurations from upstream to downstream processes, including wafer, laser bar, bare chip, CoS, and TO-CAN. Chroma's system integration technology uniquely combines automation equipment with precision current sources, temperature controllers, and automated optical measurement instruments to perform an array of electrical, optical power, wavelength, near-field and far-field optics, and other optoelectronic characteristic and aging tests.

Chroma offers precision instruments such as laser drivers, photodetector monitoring, and temperature controllers. These lab class instruments are often integrated into production solutions for wafer probe test, burn-in and device or module characterization then reinforced with inspection, metrology, robotics, Industry 4.0 and more.

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Test de niveau d'ensemble

HighChannelDensityBurn-inTester Model58604-C
High Channel Density Burn-in Tester
Model 58604-C
  • Use with chamber or oven for burn-in, reliability and life test
  • Auto Current Control (ACC), and Auto Voltage Control (AVC) modes
  • Modular design for easy customization and maintenance
  • Comprehensive ESD protection
  • Independent channels for source and measurement
Systèmedetestdeburn-inetdefiabilitédesdiodeslaser Model58604
  • CE Mark
Système de test de burn-in et de fiabilité des diodes laser
Model 58604
  • Utilisable pour les tests de burn-in, de fiabilité et de durée de vie
  • Modes de contrôle ACC et APC
  • Commande et mesure individuelles des canaux
HighPowerLaserDiodeBurn-InandReliabilityTestSystem Model58605
High Power Laser Diode Burn-In and Reliability Test System
Model 58605
  • Burn-in, reliability and life test
  • ACC and APC control modes
  • Independent channel for source and measurement
  • Spike-Free sourcing
  • Up to 6000 mA per channel and pulsing
Systèmedetestdebrûlageetdefiabilitédesphotodiodes Model58606
Système de test de brûlage et de fiabilité des photodiodes
Model 58606
  • Test de brûlage, de fiabilité et de durée de vie
  • Courant noir et tension de claquage
  • Source de dispositif bipolaire 256 canaux avec tiroir
  • Source à biais élevé jusqu'à 80 volts