PCS Test Items & Specifications
The Chroma PV Inverter (PCS) Test Guide offers a comprehensive overview of the regulations on ESS, including GB/T 34120, GB/T 34133, IEC62933, SGSF-04, as well as Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Interconnection regulations such as UL1741, IEEE1547, Germany's low-voltage grid standard VDE-AR-N 4105, and New Zealand/Australia's inverter energy system grid standard AS/NZS 4777.2. Our Test Guide covers over 20 inverter testing requirements divided into 5 categories, including PCS grid, PCS performance, PCS input/output characteristics, PCS protection characteristics, and photovoltaic characteristics.

PCS On-grid Tests
- Current harmonic test in grid mode
(Refer to CGC/GF004:2011 6.1, GB/T34120 5.4.4 GB/T34133 6.5.1, IEC62933-2-1
- Power factor control test
- Over-frequency active power feeding control test
(Refer to VDE-AR-N 4105:2011
- Low voltage ride through capability
(Refer to GB/T34120 5.4.12, GB/T34133 6.8, SGSF-04 7.3.5)
- Anti-islanding protection test
(Refer to GB/T34120 5.5.9, GB/T34133 6.9 p18 VDE-AR-N 4105:2011 6.5.3)
PCS Protection Characteristics Tests
- Over load test in grid mode
(Refer to SGSF-04-2012-07 7.2.6, IEC62933-5-1 7.4)
- Over load test in islanded mode
(Refer to GB/T34120 5.5.4, GB/T34133 6.11.4)
- Output short circuit protection & short circuit current in grid mode
(Refer to SGSF-04-2012-07 7.3.1, GB/T34120 5.5.1, GB/T34133 6.11.1, VDE-AR-N 4105:2011 5.7.2)
- Frequency adaptability test
(Refer to GB/T34120, GB/T34133 6.7.1, IEC62933-2-1 6.2.8, SGSF-04 8.1.1)
- AC voltage adaptability test
(Refer to GB/T34120, GB/T34133 6.7.2, IEC62933-2-1 6.2.8, SGSF-04 8.1.1)
- DC side over/under voltage protection test
(Refer to GB/T34120 5.5.3, GB/T34133 ,, SGSF-04 7.2.1)
PCS Input and Output Characteristics Tests
- Rectification charging efficiency test
(Refer to GB/T34120 5.4.1, GB/T34133 6.3.2, IEC62933-2-1 6.2.3)
- PCS efficiency test in grid mode
(Refer to GB/T34120 5.4.1, GB/T34133 6.3.3, SGSF-04 8.1.2, IEC62933-2-1 6.2.3)
- PCS efficiency test in islanded mode
(Refer to GB/T34120 5.4.1, GB/T34133 6.3.3)
- Standby loss test
(Refer to GB/T34120 5.4.2, GB/T34133, IEC62933-2-1 5.2.6/6.2.6)
- No-load loss test
(Refer to GB/T34120 5.4.2, GB/T34133
- Power factor test
(Refer to CGC/GF004:2011 7.1, GB/T34120 5.4.8, GB/T34133 6.6.3)
- DC component measurement
(Refer to CGC/GF004:2011 8.1, GB/T34120 5.4.5, GB/T34133 6.5.7)
- Stabilized current precision and current ripple during CC charging
(Refer to GB/T34120 5.4.9, GB/T34133 ,
- Stabilized voltage precision and voltage ripple during CV charging
(Refer to GB/T34120 5.4.10, GB/T34133 ,
- Voltage total harmonic distortion test in islanded mode
(Refer to GB/T34120 5.4.15, GB/T34133 6.5.4, IEC62933-2-1
PCS Performance Tests
- Charge/discharge transfer time test
(Refer to GB/T34120 5.4.13, GB/T34133 6.1.2)
- Active grid mode and islanded mode switching test
(Refer to GB/T34133 6.2.2, SGSF-04
- Power grid voltage distortion waveform adaptability test
(Refer to EN60204-1)
Photovoltaic (PV) Characteristics Tests
- MPPT efficiency test
(Refer to Sandia, EN50530, CGC/GF004:2011)
- PV conversion efficiency test
(Refer to Sandia, EN50530, CGC/GF004:2011)
- Anti-discharge protection test

▲ Commercial/grid-based PV PCS automated test system architecture

▲ Household-type PV PCS automated test system architecture
Chroma 62000D series and 61800 series equipment feature power source and load characteristics + regenerative DC load + solar panel array simulation, and grid simulation + regenerative AC load. During the testing process, the energy output from the PV inverter can be fed back to the grid for direct circulation instead of being dissipated as waste heat. Actual tests have shown the energy is effectively regenerated at a rate of over 75%, which is a great help for attaining goals like space and energy saving as well as reducing carbon emissions.

▲ Portable ESS automatic double switch test system architecture