Medical Electrical Safety ATS Model 8910

  • CE Mark
Key Features
  • Support electrical safety test and function test scanning:
    • AC/DC WV Test
    • IR Test
    • GB Test
    • Earth Leakage Current
    • Enclosure Leakage Current
    • Patient Leakage Current
    • Patient Auxiliary Leakage Current
  • Support customize function test (option)
  • Open architecture software

The safety standard of medical equipment is very strict. Because the medical equipment keeps in touch with the health of the doctor and patient frequently, make several Electrical safety tests can't be ignored especially leakage current test which has already become the most important test in electrical safety test.

The leakage current test of medical equipment includes four kinds - ELC, ECLC, PLC, PALC - to test besides AC/DC/IR/GB test. Additionally, normal / reverse / single fault normal / single fault reverse four powers and earth switch, let medical equipment safety test difficulty and complexity further.

Chroma 19200 can allocate different modules for special medical equipment test reach flexible and time saving. Chroma 19200 with 8900/8910 test system can store test procedure and result via computer for data mining and researching of line manager and Quality control department.

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Medical Electrical Safety ATS